NYU Steinhardt School of Education

New York University Steinhardt School of Education

A new modern home in Greenwich Village

This renovation of over 70,000 square feet of space in NYU’s historic Greenwich Village campus addresses both the shifting programmatic needs of a major academic organization and provides infrastructural upgrades for three aging buildings to meet LEED Gold standards. The largest component of this project is the gut renovation of the East Building to house three of Steinhardt’s premier departments on seven contiguous floors and provide a consolidated institutional identity for the School. The graphics programs evolved from the custom patterning of the perforated wood ceilings in each of the department’s welcome vestibules. Large scale initals of the those department names are composed like a poster filmstrip racing up and down the core of the building. The simple patterning carries thru the to room signage. Modern stainless steel donor recognition rounds out the program.

Awards and Publications
Interior Design Magazine, March 2015

Michael Moran

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